Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Word of the Day

Persistent: Persisting, especially in spite of opposition, obstacles, discouragement; lasting or enduring tenaciously (courtesy of Dictionary.com).

Another Aspiring Author: She who is not persisting, especially in spite of opposition, obstacles, discouragement; lasting or enduring tenaciously.

I don't know what's wrong with me. I cannot seem to get myself together enough to write. And it's not about just being published for me (though that would be soooo nice). At this point, I'd just be happy to write again. I miss it. I miss the flluttery butterflies I get in my stomach when I sit down at my computer excited to find where my story will take me. I miss thinking about my characters and imagining things they might say as I go throughout my normal daily life. I miss the words falling from my fingertips and somehow arranging themselves on the page in ways I didn't know they would. And what's so sad about the whole thing is it's my own damn fault. I'm no busier than anyone else. It's about priorities and where I choose to place writing on my to do list. Perhaps I should be concentrating more on the what the word "commitment" means before "lazy author" becomes permanently affixed by my name in the dictionary.


Andrea Eames said...

I had a looooong (length indicated by number of 'o's) dry spell before starting on this book. Almost two years. I felt all shrivelled up and like a big fat fraud, and I also wanted to kill any writer I knew who was being productive - immature, but true. Then it just sort of snuck up on me again.

One thing I've learned while working on my current project is to write SOMETHING every day. Even if it's crap. Even when I feel terrible, I just force myself to write 1,000 words and I'm not allowed coffee until I do. Then all those little amounts of words start adding up. It's like magic.

I found two of Julia Cameron's books really helpful while I was blocked - The Artist's Way and The Sound of Paper. You've probably come across them before, but I just wanted to add my two cents :)

Wow, long comment. Good luck with your writing!


Another Aspiring Author said...

Thanks for the encouragement, and the good advice, Andrea. I confess I read your blog every day and feel massive amounts of envy as I see how dedicated you are to your writing. 1,000 words before coffee....now that's commitment!