Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Me....Writing Shakespeare?

I have much to report after a long, Harry Potter-induced haze of a weekend. I saw the new movie on Saturday and then read the new book for a minimum of six hours straight on Sunday. I've also unfortunately taken to calling my best friend and kitten Hermione and Ron respectively. My car will also hereafter be dubbed Kreacher (it has both the dirt and the attitude). I'm not going to post a review as it has already been done by multitudes of other bloggers and probably a lot more eloquently than I. But I will say this: It was awesome. Now on to more important news. I have finally named my book! Granted, this will probably change should by the Grace of God I ever be published, but until then I can now refer to it as something else besides the ever imaginative title of "My Book". I'm calling it Much Ado About Monsters, that's MAAM to you and me from now on. Of course, the abbreviation is just icing. I can only hope Shakespeare will forgive me. My second bit of good news is I'm actually almost finished with Chapter One! If that doesn't call for an exclamation point, I don't know what does!! So there!! Hopefully Chapter Two will flow much easier but even if it doesn't, at least now I have an extremely heavy Harry Potter book to fling at my computer.


Stephen Parrish said...

I can't work on a project unless I have a title, even if it's just a working title that I know will eventually change.

MAAM is a good title.

Another Aspiring Author said...

My last book did have a working title...nothing stellar but at least something. Had trouble with this one for some reason until it finally came to me out of the blue.

How's your writing going?