Monday, May 14, 2007

I can't believe it's been so long since I last posted. Granted, no one but me is reading this but that was kinda the point to starting the whole I could maybe learn a little discipline of some kind when it comes to writing, maybe even find my voice again. I know it used to be around here somewhere. I don't think I've seen it since 2005. Definitely not a good year for me, or at least it didn't seem to be at the time. Now, I think it was just what I needed only I didn't know it. And what's all this blathering really saying about me? Um....I'm easily distracted? No? Oh, right. I have no focus and I've let myself lose my voice which is the kiss of death for a writer. There are many, many good, even great writers out there, but only one me with my distinctive voice. Sometimes it whispers to me as I'm going about my day....usually when I don't have access to pen and paper. And wouldn't you know it, as soon as I do get where I can write it down, poof! Gone! Even as I re-read my blog postings, only a tiny bit of my true self is shining through the words. I'm frustrated, mostly at myself for not having the witherall to work through this. There's a writer in there somewhere. I just know it.


Stephen Parrish said...


Referring to your note in an earlier post about great writing requiring great suffering, I think the maxim is: great writing requires great passion.

It's great passion that requires great suffering.

Oh, well. Either way you have to suffer, right?

I enjoy your blog (which I traced via your link to Chris Park).


Another Aspiring Author said...

Steve, you might not know it, but a virtual parade is being thrown in your honor. There's even red balloons and ponies! You are my first commenter and for that I thank you.

I checked out your website and wish you much luck with your book, not that I think you'll need it. It sounds like an interesting read.

Stephen Parrish said...

Okay, so when I said I enjoy your blog, I employed a throw-away expression. Here's what I really meant.

You know how to put one word in front of another. That may come as naturally as breathing, but it separates you from 99 percent of the population.

You have a very distinctive voice. It's like grenades are going off in your head and the English language isn't up to the task.

(Having said that, too many aspiring writers who can put one word in front of another and who possess distinctive voices affect stage voices when they turn to fiction.)

Finally, you're brutally honest, something I suck at. It will serve you well.

Write and submit. Write and submit. Write and submit. What I already see in this blog is proof enough to me that the only thing standing between you and enormous success is hard work.

Oh, and another thing: please keep blogging. Others will find you. And even if they don't (their loss), I always need a good fix of brutal honesty competently written in a distinctive voice.


Another Aspiring Author said...

I always wondered what those explosions were going off in my brain. >whew< Guess now I can call off the CAT scan :)

Thank you for your encouraging words. I'm always in awe of authors, such as yourself, who truly have the dedication and drive to just keep writing without letting the doubts and other nonsense excuses trip you up. Not that you don't have doubts like everyone else, but you write through them anyway as evidenced by the fact that your finishing your third novel. I admire that very much.