Sunday, April 8, 2007

I Like the Way You Talk

I saw Sling Blade for probably the hundredth time this weekend. I know, I know. Given that it's Easter weekend, I probably should have watched The Greatest Story Ever Told (good movie, but seriously, Jesus in a Page Boy?). There's just something about Sling Blade. It grabs me from the opening credits and draws me completely and totally into its world. The tone and mood are set as much by the understated dialog as by the haunting soundtrack. Each song is as integral to the story as the characters themselves are. And what I love most about it is sometimes you're not even aware the music's there. My favorite part is when Carl finally decides what he has to do to insure Frank's happiness. An amazing guitar riff punctuates this scene, building higher and higher until he knows he can't put off the inevitable any longer. My heart races and my breath quickens every time I watch this, even though I already know the outcome.

This got me thinking about my own writing and wondering if I could just as seamlessly weave a soundtrack into my stories. One of my favorite authors, Michelle Rowen, creates an actual soundtrack for each of her books. Maybe we can't hear the music as we're reading her novels, but we can certainly feel it. It's in the dialog, the tone, and even the pacing of each scene. I'll admit it. I'm jealous. My soundtrack at present is more like an out of tune radio stuck playing old Barry Manilow songs. But, I'm still working on it. And hopefully one day soon, someone will tell me, "I like the way you talk".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Innerestin'. I googled the quote for kicks........because like you I have viewed Sling Blade many many times. You hit when you said there is just something about it........I think it's due to how deep and convincingly Billy Bob gets into the character.

I'll have me some of the big'uns.

In the spirit of might like Pi--Darren Aronofsky/